Patch: Diging to deep

This SY-300 patch is inspired by Mick Gordon’s talk at the 2017 Game Developers Conference about his work on the Doom (2016) soundtrack. The soundtrack is mostly of a genre which I would call ‘progressive industrial metal’, or as my partner calls it ‘unpleasant noises music’. So this is not your typical 80s’ish synth patch. In his talk, Mick Gordon...

leander / 2020-12-20 / patch, sy-300 / 0 Comments

General SY-300 stuff

To get this page of the ground I’ll start sharing some of my SY-300 patches. For those who aren’t familiar: The SY-300 is a guitar synth made by Boss, which has the unique property of being polyphonic without needing to use a special pickup on the guitar. Internally it is basically a virtual analogue synth with three oscillators, which can...

leander / 2020-12-20 / general, sy-300 / 1 Comment

Let’s try this again…

This is the second time I’m trying to run a sort-of private website, this time with a thematic focus in guitar stuff, primarily electronics. Be aware that the information you find on this page may contradict your ‘beliefs’ on what makes instruments sound ‘good’ as they are usually based on scientific methods and technological facts and not on subjective feelings.

leander / 2020-07-12 / general / 0 Comments